Almost all modules use an interface to describe the available functions. You can find the interface at the top of the module file. src/ethereum/utils.js e.g. exports an EthUtilsInterface. All interfaces are describe via JsDoc in the code. So it would be great if you have a look at the interfaces since we want to avoid redundancy of documentation.

DBInterface (src/database/db.js)

Use this to query and write the database. It's an abstraction layer for realm

Available methods:

  • query query the database
  • write write to the database.


Contain's utils for address and private key normalization, transaction signing, private key creation, private key storage and so on.

Available methods: - createPrivateKey Return's an Promise that resolves in an private ethereum key (32 bytes in hex encoded) - savePrivateKey Save private key - allKeyPairs Resolves in an list of ethereum keypairs map - getPrivateKey Get an private key by it's address - deletePrivateKey - decryptPrivateKey - signTx Sign an ethereum transaction - normalizeAddress normalized an etheruem address (e.g. add the hex prefix and so on) - normalizePrivateKey normalize an ethereum private key (will throw when the key is invalid) - privateKeyToMnemonic convert's an ethereum private key to it's mnemonic phrase. - mnemonicToPrivateKey opposite of privateKeyToMnemonic - mnemonicValid check if the mnemonic is valid


Use this to interact with everything nation related like creation, joining, leaving, indexing and so on. - create will create an nation locally AND submit the needed transaction to the blockchain. If the transaction submission failed the returned promise will be rejected. - all returns all index nations - joinNation join an nation - leaveNation leave an nation - index use this to index all nation's from the blockchain. Just call it once a while to fetch nation's created by other people.


Use this to interact with your ethereum wallet. - ethSend Will send ether from a to b - ethBalance Fetch your eth balance - ethSync Sync your ethereum accounts.


Use this to interact with your profile. - hasProfile Check if an profile is present - setProfile Set / create an profile - getProfile Fetch your profile - getPublicProfile Fetch your public profile (it contain's some additional values)